Game Updates in Five Nights In Anime: Reborn

This place may not be for kids...

Ladys and gentlemen, I'm honored to say that today is the great day. Please stay tuned with the release trailer! Thank you very much for your patiente and support. We love you and keep having a great day <3


Five Nights in Anime: Reborn | Release trailer
Thank you very much to our lovely community in Gamejolt and Discord, it's been so long since I started with this project and here we are finally with the rel...

Almost there...

Current to do list status...

Technical spoilers!... This is turning into a really big deal for me rn, I didn't think or plan that this project would be this big... (yeah, I took a screenshot of my code like a poser)

This is a big one tbh, Idk if it was too much, but anyways there it is, enjoy!


Someone is mad...

Don't mess with her

Maybe they find pleasure killing you?

This turned into an intergalactic battle...